161886 - DANIEL wrote me a LETTER * feelings and thoughts of a true slave *

Since nine years Daniel is my slave, my paybitch, my property and I am the center of his life. He works hard, does extra hours and lives supermodest to proof me every month again his unconditional love and submission with big amounts oy money. I keep him as my modern slave and it is totally normal for me to command over him and his free time just like I want. Bringing cash, cleaning, go shoppin for me or doing other stuff I don't wanna do on my own - he has to do whatever I say! I control every single detail of his life - where he goes, with who he spends time etc and he follows me in perfectly devotion. With every banknote he lays at my feet, with every time I laugh about him and punch his dumb face, with every time he falls on his knees in front oy me he adores me even more and for his weak brain sometimes that is hard to handle. Therefore Daniel wrote down all his thoughts and feelings for me in a very long and emotional letter which I'm gonna read to you now.

161886 - DANIEL wrote me a LETTER * feelings and thoughts of a true slave *