All fetish & femdom clips tagged with "geldsklaverei"

207790 - BM

Because my dear paycock Ludger needs special measures to learn his lesson! To all those who are interested in BM, here is an example of how quickly and easily I can influence and make a person's life, like Ludger's, uncomfortable...This video is intended for my boy Ludger and is intended for serve as an illustration. Ludger is a well-known public figure and also privately active in the femdom/findom scene. A few days ago I contacted Ludger because he tried to disappear without a word or explanation, ignoring or even canceling my payment requests. POOH! A really stupid move, my dear Ludger! Didn't you also have the greatest pleasure letting me strip you?! But I think you just wanted to know and forgot what sensitive information I collected about you. Anyway, I had a lot of fun with his well-filled accounts, but Ludger always needed long breaks to recover from our sessions. You must have been really naive to insult and provoke me like that! Did you seriously think you could feel safe by trying to ignore me?! Of course, my dear boy, I will also send you a personal video message to explain my approach if you want to try to appease me. Yes, I am extremely accommodating, but I ALWAYS GET WHAT I DESERVE and especially what I want! I have taken your outrageous action as an opportunity to write some prepared emails with attachments that I will forward to your entire work environment, as well as to your friends and acquaintances... It will give me such a satisfying pleasure!


180526 - Your Second Chance - Rip Off

It is a common saying that everyone deserves a second chance. Well, so let it be - But your second chance will be expensive. As we know, nothing is for free. Especially not my forgiveness!


177630 - Vive La Paris - Piggy Bank

An unforgettable two-day trip to France is behind me. All incurred costs of the short trip or the shopping trip went on my slave. Of course, because that was the prerequisite that he was allowed to spend his birthday with me in Paris and serve as an object of amusement. The best birthday of his life! Before it started for us, first the stuffed piggy bank of my slave had to be emptied.


199265 - Forever my eunuch pig!

You have now received your medicine and can start with your first pill. A little seemingly harmless therapy that will help us together to make you my eunuch pig! Forever! At first it will curb your drive a bit, but you already know how to counteract it...goon! And before long you will realize what a sick victim you are, voluntarily entering absolute slavery...emasculated, sedated, infertile and impotent! This fact will make you even more dependent on ME, an existence as my fuck loser, my test subject, my toy. You will adore me for it, idealize it and let another drive take over you; the number drive! And it will make you happy, happy to be solely MINE, happy to forever dread being a pay-dick, happy to even gain the attention of any real sovereignty-MY! And that BECAUSE you are my sexless, useless eunuch pig! Take your medicine and enjoy your new life with personal support from your Goddess! (Customer Clip)


177130 - CLARIFICATION - Addicted, Paying Loser

It is like it is - you are a addicted, paying loser. A fact which you cannot change or don't want to change! You follow my instructions, orders and wishes. You sacrifice yourself and function to please me, because that is your job!


31805 - FinDom Trigger - Interaktiv Verse PayGame

Du wirst Dich entspannen. Immer mehr, immer tiefer, fallen, in den Strudel, der Dich gefangen hält und nicht wieder entkommen lassen wird. Ich versetze Dich in einen tiefen Brainfuck-Zustand, damit ich verschiedene Trigger setzen kann, die, auf die ich Lust habe um Dich dann zu meinem willenlosen kleinen Zahläffchen zu machen.Sobald Du gefallen bist, in den Kerker, in die tiefen Deiner Seele, wirst Du für mich vollkommen steuerbar sein, wie eine kleine Marionette, wie ein Zahlzombie. Du gibst die Kontrolle völlig ab. Gänzlich, weil Du nicht mehr selbst denken kannst. Das ist vorbei. Interaktiv werde ich Dich dann abzocken. Du wirst für Deine FinDom bezahlen. Immer mehr und mehr. Weil ich es so möchte. Der Trigger ist gesetzt. Sobald ich ihn ausspreche kannst Du nichts anderes tun, als zum Handy zu greifen und den QR-Code von meinem Verse-Account zu scannen und mir dann direkt den von mir geforderten Betrag zu senden. Dieses Paygame wird immer wieder dazu führen, dass Du zahlst, immer, wenn ich es möchte, immer, so viel wie ich verlange.Ob ich Dich in den Ruin treibe? Ob ich Dich nur um einen kleinen Betrag der Kohle auf dem Verse-Account bringe? Ob ich Dich richtig hart abzocke? Das nicht zu wissen, macht Dir Angst. Aber macht Dich auch unendlich geil. Siehst Du, wie Dein Schwanz allein bei dem Gedanken hart wird? Siehst Du wie Dein Schwanz allein dabei vor sich hin tropft. Oh, Du wirst den Orgasmus Deines Lebens haben, so viel ist sicher, vor allem, wenn Du die Zahlungen an mich senden darfst und Du dann endlich den erlösenden Orgasmus hast. Oder wirst Du wohl immer und immer wieder bei unserem kleinen geilen FinDom Trigger Paygame kommen?Du brauchst natürlich, um bei diesem Paygame teilnehmen zu können, einen aktiven Verse-Account, mit entsprechenden Guthaben oder eben dem Einverständnis, das Verse bei Dir abbuchen darf, wenn Du Geld sendest. Außerdem benötigst Du Dein Handy, um den QR-Code immer wieder zu scannen, wenn ich es von Dir verlange.Obacht - dieser Trigger kann Dich dazu bringen, Dich wirklich finanziell auszuliefern, auch über das Pay-Game hinaus. Überlege Dir also gut, ob Du das Spiel spielen möchtest, vor allem, wenn Du anfällig für das Thema bist. Ich will am Ende keine Beschwerden hören!


194970 - Your Second Chance - Rip Off

It is a common saying that everyone deserves a second chance. Well, so let it be - But your second chance will be expensive. As we know, nothing is for free. Especially not my forgiveness!


193181 - Vive La Paris - Piggy Bank

An unforgettable two-day trip to France is behind me. All incurred costs of the short trip or the shopping trip went on my slave. Of course, because that was the prerequisite that he was allowed to spend his birthday with me in Paris and serve as an object of amusement. The best birthday of his life! Before it started for us, first the stuffed piggy bank of my slave had to be emptied.


191278 - I Love Gifts 4

After ages here is finally once again an unpacking and unboxing clip. I show here what I have treated myself on a shopping trip in Paris, with slave and especially at slave costs.


185872 - Loserporn Addiction - Incureable!

Your cock is waiting for LOSERPORN from ME every day -I know you can hardly concentrate at work and you are checking my websites several times to see what's new.New pictures? What outfit am I wearing today? Is there a new instruction to send me a gift?Admit it YOU ARE ADDICTED - your being is so chained to buying my clips - to craving - that you squirm insomnia when there aren't any supplies!HAHA you are and will always remain a puppet, caught on the strings that I pull - used and lead as only I can!Follow this clip task and strengthen your devotion to ME!


160359 - Double Trouble - Ripped Off By Our Hot Middle Fingers

Miss Catdeluxe and Lady Stefanie together set Stuttgart on fire and of course everything was filmed. So even one like you can catch a little glimpse of our time together. With our perfect nails, of course we didn't miss the opportunity to shoot a middle finger clip. So to speak purely out of our patronizing mood. You look so surprised. Rightly so, because I don't mean that we're indulging you. You are the one who has to dig deep into your wallet for four perfect middle fingers and you are allowed to pay a lot for this divine sight. Two goddesses humiliating you verbally and hold their middle fingers directly into your ugly face. There is nothing more sublime for you than just that view. Since the mind stops with you and we take us what is rightfully ours.


24537 - Interaktive Abzocke für Zahlschweine

Du liebst den Gedanken, Deine hart erarbeitete Kohle einer Geldherrin in den Rachen zu werfen und dabei wenigstens die Hoffnung zu haben, einen Anblick zu erwischen, auf den Körper der Mistress, der Dich geil macht? Na, die Hoffnung stirbt bekanntlich zuletzt. Ich werde Dich interaktiv abzocken. Du bekommst einen Anblick Deiner Herrin, in super knappen roten Lederkleid. Dazu ein paar glänzende Pantyhosen. Und ein paar mörderhohe Pumps. Allein dieser Anblick, die Vorstellung davon, lässt meinen Zahlsklaven schon sabbern. Ich werde Dich zunächst einmal heftigst teasen.Ich werde Dir den ein oder anderen Anblick auf den perfekt geformten, weiblichen Körper geben. Das allein lässt Deinen Schwanz schon zucken. Ob Du ihn wohl anwichsen darfst? Warte es ab. Dann flüstere ich Dir eine Telefonnummer ins Ohr (erreichbar aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz). Du wirst eine Ansage bekommen, wie viel Kohle Du pro Minute an Deine Herrin abzudrücken hast. Dann wirst Du den Lautsprecher einschalten und nur dem lauschen, was am anderen Ende der Leitung passiert. Du wirst dem lauschen, was ich Dir am Telefon zu sagen habe und gebannt auf den Bildschirm glotzen. Jeder einzelne Befehl, der am Telefon folgt, hat auch etwas mit dem zu tun, was Du im Video siehst. Es ist ein interaktives vollkommen teuflisches Spiel mit Deiner Lust zu zahlen.Es ist so teuflisch, das ich es sogar schaffen werde, Dich dazu zu bringen, immer und immer wieder anzurufen. Dass Du gar nicht anders kannst als jedesmal wieder zum Hörer zu greifen. Es ist wie vom Teufel persönlich erschaffen. Und Du wirst einen so heftigen Orgasmus bekommen, vor allem, weil Du Anblicke Deiner Mistress siehst, dass Dein Zahlschweinchenschwanz explosionsartig kommen wird.Es bleibt Dir nichts anderes übrig, Zahlschweinchen. Lad das Video herunter. Bedenke aber, dass das Video nur dann Wirkung entfaltet, wenn Du auch bereit bist, die Nummer anzurufen. Sonst ist das Spiel sinnlos und es wird nicht einmal annähernd das passieren, was ich Dir angepriesen habe, weil die Stimme der Herrin fehlt. Wenn Du ein Prepaidhandy nutzt, lade zuvor Dein Guthaben auf Deiner Karte so auf, dass es bei mind. 3Euro/4chf pro Minute so lange durchhält, wie die Gesamtdauer des Videos ist. Legst Du auf zwischendrin oder ist Dein Guthaben alle, musst Du die Nummer erneut anrufen und die Ansage, die auf der Rufnummer hinterlegt ist, wird von vorn beginnen. Behalte das vor Deinem Auge und versaue Dir durch falsche Vorbereitung nicht den gesamten Spaß!______Dieses Video beeinhaltet: Blackmail, Demütigungen, Geldsklaverei, Nylonfetisch, Stiefelfetisch, Wichskontrolle


24515 - Gefangen in absolut echter Kreditkartenvollmacht

Es ist alles doch nur Lug und Trug. Wie viele Damen erzählen Dir, das es ja möglich wäre, Deine Kreditkarte zu belasten, während Du unterwegs bist? Du bekommst eine SMS, Zahlung erfolgreich, Dir geht einer ab. Lachhaft. Die ganzen dummen Hühner wissen nicht einmal, was es wirklich bedeutet, ein Kreditkartenkonto zu ficken und Dich jederzeit, ohne jegliche Berührung, auch nur, weil Du weißt, das ich könnte, wenn ich wollte, für eine klatschnasse Unterhose zu sorgen. Nun, sagen wir, ich habe da meine Möglichkeiten. Natürlich ist das alles nicht so einfach und natürlich werde ich Dir nicht sagen, was konkret ich da bitte gemacht habe, damit ich, ohne die lästige Bestätigung durch eine TAN, einen SMS-Code oder einen Anruf, Deine Kreditkarte ficken kann und Du rein gar nichts dagegen tun kannst. Es ist mehr als nur ein Kopfkino.Wahre und echte Zahlsklaven wissen das zu schätzen, wenn sie nicht an Gören geraten, die sie verkorksen und ihnen ihre Lust an dem besonderen Kick nehmen. Aber was rede ich? Ich werde Dir in diesem Video ganz genau sagen, was ich dafür von Dir brauche. Einmalig, natürlich. Und dann, was ich mit Deiner Kreditkarte machen werde. Ob es nur ein paar Hunderter sind? Oder ob ich wohl das gesamte Kreditkartenlimit ausreize? Ohne, dass Du auch nur jemals das Ganze stornieren oder gar zurückholen kannst? Lass Dich überraschen. Und allein das, was ich Dir erzähle, wird einen heftigen Orgasmus hervorrufen. Bist Du bereit?______Dieses Video beeinhaltet: Blackmail, Demütigungen, Geldsklaverei, Heelsfetisch, Lederfetisch, Nylonfetisch


150346 - Valentine's Day 2022 - Rip Off

Today is Valentine's Day. This day is for love and adoration and you do love and adore me, right? Of course you do, and that's exactly why you let me rip you of for Valentine's Day! The more worship cash you send me the more credible you are.


175587 - Valentine's Day 2022 - Rip Off

Today is Valentine's Day. This day is for love and adoration and you do love and adore me, right? Of course you do, and that's exactly why you let me rip you of for Valentine's Day! The more worship cash you send me the more credible you are.


144248 - Fin Sub Orgasm - Ripped Off Mercilessly

Do you really think because you pay 50,- € for this clip that I'm satisfied with that?! Hahaha ... No, of course I'm not satisfied with that and neither is your cock! Only to be ripped off mercilessly lets the thing between your thighs become rock hard or better said: Only the hard paying off to me will give you a satisfying orgasm. Here waits your fin sub orgasm.


168383 - Custom Clip - Loser-Pay-Cunt

Oh Fabri, you loser-pay-cunt, where do I begin?! I have known you for years... I gave you chances to be a slave, gave you time, attention and education. Due to lack of talent you were degraded. Now you serve exclusively as a loser-pay-cunt. Your only true destiny!


142121 - I Love Gifts 3

It's been a long time since I put an Upacking / Unboxing clip online. Now it is again so far. Online I met with a money pig, who loves to pay, for satin and leather for online shopping. Thereby I fleeced the account of the pay pig properly. For over 1.000,00 Euro I have shopped and the disposition of the loser nicely exhausted. In this clip you can see me unpacking, demonstrating and talk more about the expensive online shopping tour.


134477 - Valentine's Day 2021 - Rip Off

Of course you show me your adoration and love as often as possible, but on Valentine's Day especially. And how could you express your feelings towards me better than with a hot payment?! The more you pay the more I believe you! You know you need me and you need this hard rip off.


132651 - Custom Clip - Perverted Pay Pig Moneypulation

Hmmm, who do we have here? My latest victim! My new pay pig. My new perverted pay pig. I know that only a hard rip off by me, your beautiful, strict, demanding and money-hungry goddess will make your pin dick as hard as possible. Nothing makes you drip out more horny than to be used and exploited by me, your findomme and femdomme. And since I know your many little perversions, I have easy game with you ...


126909 - Adoration Payment 4 – Igno Clip

Here you pay out of sheer adoration. No quid pro quo!For your payment, you get nothing! You only pay to be noticed without expecting anything in return. Maybe you arouse my interest!


125633 - Rip Off Quickie

Clearly you need a hot rip off quickie, hmm?! It must go fast ... Maybe you are hiding from your wifey / girlfriend, from your colleagues or something else. Don't get caught while my rip off quickie is cashing you up and you are milking your pin dick for me.


148566 - Adoration Payment 3 - Igno Clip

Here you pay out of sheer adoration. No quid pro quo! For your payment, you get nothing! You only pay to be noticed without expecting anything in return. Maybe you arouse my interest!


147270 - Your Overdraft Facility

Your overdraft facility ... Your overdraft facility is mine. Just the idea that I can use your disposition to the maximum is fucking hot. So come and let's put this idea into reality! Come on, get real.


121293 - Cash Letter

If the slave is caught paying another lady without permission then he has earned a punishment. In my opinion a punishment must be individual and hurting. And a slave who is not a money slave does not feel excessive joy and/or excitement while paying. So a payment, which comes to the usual tribute, can be a punishment for the slave, which brings him into financial distress and/or restricts him in his actual lifestyle financially strongly. This slave also lives many hundreds of kilometres away from me, as if I could just chastise him physically quickly. So I told him to ask me for forgiveness by cash letter ... At this point I would like to say to the affected slave: With the next offence of this kind the height of the cash letter is doubled directly!


120962 - Cash & Go - Info

You are interested in a cash & go with me? Very nice. If you want to do everything right, this clip is perfect for you. Here you can find out everything worth knowing about this topic.


146273 - Adoration Payment 2 - Igno Clip

Here you pay out of sheer adoration. No quid pro quo!For your payment, you get nothing! You only pay to be noticed without expecting anything in return. Maybe you arouse my interest!


118886 - Team Ruin - Valentine's Day 2020 - Lady Stefanie

Just in time for the upcoming Valentine's Day there are brand new clips from the Team Ruin. Every single clip deals with Valentine's Day. Nevertheless each clip is individual. Follow the roses ...The Team Ruin consists of:Madame Svea, Queen of Tease Gabriela Syren, Money Princess Isabella, Mistress Jenny, Palina Addicted, Toxicsugga, Miss Catdeluxe, Lady Jana Logan, Your Goddess, Lady Skyla Million and me - Lady Stefanie.Also check out the goddesses mentioned above. Treat yourself to all the hot clips and get your brain fucked for Valentine's Day.


144331 - Team Ruin - Valentine's Day 2020 - Lady Stefanie

Just in time for the upcoming Valentine's Day there are brand new clips from the Team Ruin. Every single clip deals with Valentine's Day. Nevertheless each clip is individual. Follow the roses ...The Team Ruin consists of:Madame Svea, Queen of Tease Gabriela Syren, Money Princess Isabella, Mistress Jenny, Palina Addicted, Toxicsugga, Miss Catdeluxe, Lady Jana Logan, Your Goddess, Lady Skyla Million and me - Lady Stefanie.Also check out the goddesses mentioned above. Treat yourself to all the hot clips and get your brain fucked for Valentine's Day.


11708 - Your credit card belongs in my luxury handbag

Yes, you've read that correctly. The new place of your credit card will be in my luxury handbag! A slave does not need a credit card, because it is entitled to a goddess like me! And what could be better for you than to contribute to my lifestyle with your credit card? Right, nothing! hahaha***Deine Kreditkarte gehört in meine Luxushandtasche***Ja du hast richtig gelesen. Der neue Platz deiner Kreditkarte wird in meiner Luxushandtasche sein! Ein Sklave benoetigt nun mal keine Kreditkarte, da diese einer Goettin wie mir zusteht! Und was gibt es schoeneres für dich Loser, als zu meinem Lifestyle mit deiner Kreditkarte beizutragen? Richtig, nichts! Hahaha


116264 - Your credit card belongs in my luxury handbag

Yes, you've read that correctly. The new place of your credit card will be in my luxury handbag! A slave does not need a credit card, because it is entitled to a goddess like me! And what could be better for you than to contribute to my lifestyle with your credit card? Right, nothing! hahaha


115072 - Your content of life, paypig

Your purpose and content in life, paypig, is Lady Stefanie and myself, as far as you deserve it and you also can afford it! Your dream will become true! During this clip you will learn about the requirements and conditions you need to fulfill.


10126 - Pay Cunt Teasing - GERMAN

Pay Cunt TeasingWhat makes a real pay cunt? Here I explain it to you. So pull out already your ...... Portmonee.Clip Language: GermanZahlfotzen TeasingWas macht eine richtige Zahlfotze aus? Hier erlaeutere ich es dir. Also zueck schon mal dein ...... Portmonee.


137278 - Your credit card belongs in my luxury handbag

Yes, you've read that correctly. The new place of your credit card will be in my luxury handbag! A slave does not need a credit card, because it is entitled to a goddess like me! And what could be better for you than to contribute to my lifestyle with your credit card? Right, nothing! hahaha


135944 - Findom Foot Brainfuck

My little fat stinking slave had to film me his stunning goddess. He had to put his money at my feet! Do you want to experience that in real life? Then write me.


130353 - Your content of life, paypig

Your purpose and content in life, paypig, is Lady Stefanie and myself, as far as you deserve it and you also can afford it! Your dream will become true! During this clip you will learn about the requirements and conditions you need to fulfill.


126868 - Bank ATM vs. You - the big comparison

€€€ What you all have so much money with an ATM, you will find out here! When I looked at the comparative notes, it became clear to me that you really are just a living ATM and you should treat yourself just as well - just like an object that spits money! That's all you are, and if that's not 100 percent clear to you, it'll be as soon as you watch the video! €€€


6109 - You Want To Jerk Off - GERMAN

You want to jerk off? Of course you do! Almost your entire, miserable life revolves around scrubbing your mini. Well, with me you first have to meet the requirements to get a wanker permit. Nothing is free, motherfucker.Clip Language: German


125763 - ATM Account Fuck

You've been dreaming about a hard atm account fuck for a long time?You want to know what I mean by that and what such an atm account fuck could look like? And above all, are you interested in what requirements you have to meet?Here is an example ...


125280 - Payday Again

Fresh money in your account? Not for long, because it's payday again! You have already paid to me? Never mind, you can pay again and again! Welcome to the world of money slavery. You work, pay, work, pay and that in the endless loop!


124792 - Payday

The first approaches and thus the payday. Actually it is always payday. But on the 1st of the month even more, since fresh money has migrated to your account. And of course I want it, your money, my money. PAYDAY


115331 - BLACKMAIL - You WILL give in...

A litttle teasing Brainfuck, basically designed to tease all the little informations i need out of your horny little Loserbrain! You will melt like wax meeting lava when I even start du show you a glimpse of what my hot body might do to you anytime I want!


114799 - Valentines Day - Your role is to pay!

You got less than a week left to keep up with my preparations for this big day. What I've planned? Well, this day has been planned FOR Me of course. Let me tell you what will happen step by step and how YOU can finally make yourself usefull and serve my needs and plans until Valentine's Day! For all the little Cuckies out there! I'm planning a huge surprise for you! Just for you and my pleasure, so listen carefully what needs to be fullfilled by YOU during this new week!


114792 - A Certificate of dept! Your end is near!

Too many messages, requests and the same question repeated over and over again: "Lady Emily, when can I sign my certificate of debt?" NOW! I will start with a small one, which will run for a moderate time. I plan to increase the level again and again. Be there from the beginning!


111106 - Your boss ruins your orgasm (with english subtitles)

You surely never fail to amuse me. Apparently you are not just a puppet of mine, but also of your boss. ;) As soon as I heard that, I immediately used that as an opportunity to shoot a spontaneous clip. I just love to bring up a painful subject. ;)Shit happens, little piggy I know how much you were looking forward to and panted for your gratification. And then your boss is such a merciless spoilsport…Does that already verge on bullying? In any case I have fun with you.Either way -bagyour little dick back and listen carefully to my wordsabout what you have to do now. Without me you are stranded anyway, loser.


103796 - Fucking Paypig

Kneel down slave and let yourself fuck from my beauty and madness voice . You have no choice to irrevocably follow my command. I want more and more and you bastard will give it to me because you have fallen to me. Stop crying you brainfucking pig because you have nothing more, I do not tolerate this. Prostitute you or take the money from your wife. Main thing I get my money.


101252 - Only a short moment - Tease & Money Part 1

It does not take much to fuck your brain. And this is only the beginning of my Cash series. With my insane figure in sexy lingerie, I twist your head mercilessly. You will give me anyway what I will. Buy!


92115 - Sit Paypig...

and follow my video instructions. If you are not going to do so, don't even buy this clip. I expect a smoothly performance of what I tell you to do. So if you're not able to realize that you're just a tiny, poor paypiggy, just get out of here!


91865 - Your wifes money!

...belongs to me! You will do what I tell you too. I want the credit card of your wife. What am I gonna do with it, what do I think about you and your wife? Find it out in this video. You shouldn't watch this is you can't stand a lot...


92387 - Your xmas punishment!

Here comes your xmas punishement, loser! You haven't sent me any gifts yet!? Now it's gonna get even more expensive for you. It's your own fault! So get ready for your punishment...


68142 - Xmas greeting

Slave/Sub, Christmas is almost there! You will find out what that means for you, what Mistress Kat expects of you and what you may expect for all the gifts, gift cards and tributes you've been sending her, in this video.


54307 - Your wifes money!

...belongs to me! You will do what I tell you too. I want the credit card of your wife. What am I gonna do with it, what do I think about you and your wife? Find it out in this video. You shouldn't watch this is you can't stand a lot...


85055 - Rule 3 - Your voyeur's time is over!

Yes, you read it correctly: Your time as a tiny, wanking voyeur is over now! From now on you will regularly pay me! But of course you'll still continue to buy every clip until you own them all! Yes, every single one, regardless of it's price!! *g*


78359 - Your Ruin

Paypig Ruin: You want to be ruined? COMPLETE? Now it's your turn! Buy this video and pay pay pay. I fuck your life. Give me your last Cent and then BYE BYE!


70016 - 14.02. - YOUR CHANCE

BYE, PAY and look my videos!!! This ist the day- YOUR DAY - show me your love - slave! Are you a good slave??? Really? I need a proof! Buy this video and be a GOOD SLAVE.


77647 - Money-Piggy Outing

Here is your chance! Do it! Listen to my jerk-off-instruction! Buy this video and this is the proof: You are a money-piggy. MY PAY-SLAVE! Long video = more money for me! CUM FOR ME and for my luxury.


45877 - Rule 3 - Your voyeur's time is over!

Yes, you read it correctly: Your time as a tiny, wanking voyeur is over now! From now on you will regularly pay me! But of course you'll still continue to buy every clip until you own them all! Yes, every single one, regardless of it's price!! *g*


45595 - Moneymistress

I'm still not satisfied, I want more speed slave! More money for more luxury and you'll pay for my luxury. Show me what a slave-holders! Not sometime but NOW!


60616 - Give me your money!

I'm not interested in you, you can not make me happy. The only risky as you conjure me a smile on the face can be generous with money and gifts. Do not expect any attention from me that you only get if I want to play with you or you may exclude even more.


66736 - Here Piggy, piggy!

Little paypig, here is your todays task: Buy the video, watch it, apply as a paypiggy and then you will pay your tribute! Your obligation is my extravagant lifestyle! You will get me whatever I desire no matter what it takes!